Kite hunter x hunter no spoilers

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Omg kite death I can't believe it I am so shocked why did he die why :cry: :sob: :sob: :sob: I really don't like that cat now why kite why I want ed to know what all his other weapons did to I still want to know what 3 does and when his arm got chopped off I'm like no he just won't die he will escape but nooooo I though wrong he does and that stupid cat was playing with his head wtf no cat no go f**k your self you didn't have to kill him :cry: well that's all I have to say R.I.

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:no_entry_sign: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN HUNTER X HUNTER OR IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO KITE IS :no_entry_sign: Synopsis: You miss your partner and after finally being able to meet with each other for the first time in months, you two decide to indulge in yourselves for a little while. :warning: :construction: SPOILER AHEAD :construction: :warning:

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